For Babies (Birth to 8 Months): Introduce your baby to their reflection in the mirror. They'll enjoy looking at their own face and exploring the new sight.
For Older Babies (6 to 18 Months): Watch as your baby smiles or makes sounds at their reflection. This stage helps them recognise themselves in the mirror and understand it's their own image. Build early vocabulary by talking about what they see in the reflection. Around 12 months, your baby may be interested in how the puzzle pieces fit together. Placing the top into the base of the puzzle helps build fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
For Toddlers (15 to 36 Months): Encourage your toddler to touch their nose or head in the mirror. This activity supports their self-recognition and helps them learn about their body parts.
More Ways to Play:
Explore Body Parts: Point out body parts like nose and chin using the mirror. Let your child try to find them on their own reflection.
Follow Two-Step Directions: Practice simple tasks with your child, like touching their ear first and then their head, using the mirror for guidance.
Express Emotions: Make faces together in the mirror to show different emotions like surprise or happiness. Describe each emotion to help your child learn to recognise feelings.
Have Fun with Funny Faces: Challenge your child to copy your silly expressions in the mirror, like raising eyebrows while sticking out tongues. This activity promotes giggles and can be a wonderful way to bond with your little one.
Enjoy learning and bonding with The Mirror Puzzle, a fun tool for developing cognitive skills and self-awareness through play.